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本文摘要:Bill Gates is planning to double his personal investment in innovative green technologies to $2bn over the next five years in an attempt to “bend the curve” on climate change.比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)计划在未来5年将自己对创意绿色技术的个人投资增加一倍,至20亿美元,期望借以转变气候变化的趋势线。
Bill Gates is planning to double his personal investment in innovative green technologies to $2bn over the next five years in an attempt to “bend the curve” on climate change.比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)计划在未来5年将自己对创意绿色技术的个人投资增加一倍,至20亿美元,期望借以转变气候变化的趋势线。The billionaire philanthropist said he had invested about $1bn in dozens of early-stage companies — including battery, next generation nuclear and free air carbon capture — hoping they would develop “breakthrough” technologies.这位亿万富翁慈善家回应,他无意数十家早期阶段公司投资大约10亿美元,期望它们将研发出有“突破性”技术。这些公司活跃于电池、下一代核电和大气层碳捕猎等领域。Mr Gates, who is listed by Forbes as the world’s richest person with a net worth of almost $80bn, said he had invested directly in about 15 companies and indirectly in another 30. “Over the next five years, there’s a good chance that will double,” he told the Financial Times.以相似800亿美元净资产被《福布斯》(Forbes)列入世界首富的盖茨回应,他已必要投资了大约15家公司,另外还间接投资了30家公司。
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